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The Snake is the 4th reptile generator unlockable in the game. It requires Mesozoic Valley Rank 17 to unlock. They are any species in the Order Serpentes, which is in the Order Squamata.


The snake has the appearance of a timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus). Two snakes resides in the Desert section of the Land garden. One is behind the elephant (Ungulates) and Archie's Fossil, and another before an ibex (Ungulates). The snake remains coiled and moves its head and tounge around.

The snake hisses when clicked on.

The snake has one Trophy Animal just like most Rise of Reptiles Generators: the Viper.


Viper view

The Viper coils around a branch in the Savanna section of the Land garden.

The viper has the appearance of a green pit viper (Genus Trimeresurus). A viper lives in the Savanna section of the Land garden, and coils on a branch of tree directly above a large group of Tetrapods. Another one lives in the Jungle section, coiled over a vine close to a large group of Apes. The viper makes an animation of it coiling around a branch and rearing back.

The viper has no sound when clicked on.

In-Game Description[]

"Long, skinny, and limbless, snakes are a family of carnivorous reptiles. They range in size from only a few centimeters to almost seven metres in length."

Evolution Upgrades[]

All upgrades only require 1 Snake to unlock. The Snake has six Upgrades, leading to a maximum pre-Singularity efficiency of x20,625.720327497476. In order, upgrades are unlocked as follows (note that cost doesn't follow upgrade order):

Upgrade Efficiency Cost Description Requirements
Habitat Diversity 333% EntropyEntropy 3.33 E20

"Common snakes can be found almost everywhere on Earth. Their ability to adapt to a multitude of different environments has allowed them to find ecological niches in just about every type of habitat."

x1 Snake
Slithering 333% EntropyEntropy 9.99 E20

"Snakes get around by slithering, using their muscles to move gradually and smoothly over the ground with an oscillating motion. Despite their lack of limbs, they can move quite fast."

x1 Snake
Colubridae 666% EntropyEntropy 6.47 E20

"Most colubridae, or common snakes, are not venomous and are mostly harmless. They are found in every continent except Antarctica and a few islands such as Ireland."

Habitat Diversity, Slithering
Hollow Fangs 333% EntropyEntropy 3.88 E22

"Vipers have hollow fangs - curved teeth that are specially adapted to fill with venom that the snake can inject into their prey. Not all viper bites are fatal to humans, but they can cause lasting neurological, organ, and tissue damage."

Constriction 333% EntropyEntropy 3.95 E25

"Python's long bodies and incredibly strong muscles enable them to wrap around their prey, squeezing them to death."

Colubridae, Viper
Python 666% EntropyEntropy 6.65 E24

"The pythons are non-venomous, and are some of the largest snakes in the world. They use their prominent front teeth to catch their prey, then wrap their bodies around them and squeeze, constricting them to death."


Life Upgrades[]

Owning them increases the efficiency of the snakes with a x7.66 bonus.

Animal Efficiency Cost Description Requirements
Viper view
666% EntropyEntropy 6.67 E27

"Vipers are a family of snakes with a venomous bite. They will often rear up, hiss, or make other warnings to try to get the creature that threatens them to back off - but will bite when prey (or unwitting humans) get too close."

Hollow Fangs


Ach Snakes

Generator Achievements[]

  • Luck of the Irish (Create 25 Snakes):

"While old folklores state that there are no snakes in the country of Ireland because Saint Patrick drove them out in the fifth century AD, it is more likely that snakes simply never made it to Ireland because of the inhospitable climate."

  • Pepto-Abysmal (Create 50 Snakes):

"Because they swallow their prey whole, it can take 3-5 days for a mid-sized snake to digest its meal. With larger snakes, such as pythons, digestioin can take over a week. They can swallow food as large as a whole jaguar - or a human."

  • Brille-iant! (Create 100 Snakes):

"Instead of eyelids, snakes have a single transparent scale, called a brille, that covers and protects their eyes. These scales become cloudy shortly before the snake sheds its skin, and this is the only time they are visible."

  • Sibling Rivalry (Create 150 Snakes):

"Two-headed snakes are not entirely uncommon in the wild. They form like conjoined human twins, and usually die relatively young because each head has a seperate brain - they often fight over prey, and one head may attempt to eat the other."

  • Slithering Statistics (Create 250 Snakes):

"Only one in 50 million people (around four or five a year) in the US will die from snake bites. However, this varies significantly by region. In India, around 20,000 deaths by snakebite occur per year."


Life Life
Primordial Soup Amino AcidDNAProkaryotic CellEukaryotic Cell
Ocean SpongeJellyfishFlatwormFish (Sharks)
Land FungiTetrapodMammal
Reptiles TurtleCrocodiliaLizardSnake
Birds GalliformesAnseriformesPalaeognathaeNeoaves
Mammals GliresUngulatesMarsupialsCaniformCetaceansMonotremesFeliform
Human & Beyond ApeHumanCyborgSuperhumanHumanoid ColonistAndroidSentient Android